亿文网首页 | 亿文工具箱


该工具能够帮助教师轻松完成学生考试成绩的统计计算工作,能够自动计算出参考人数、总分、平均分、最高分、最低分、中位数、方差、优秀率、良好率、、尚可率、较差率、优秀人数、良好人数 尚可人数、较差人数、偏斜度、峰度等指标。并能自动统计各分数段人数,同时支持自定义成绩等级及分数段



【The name of the tool】Student achievement calculator

This tool can help teachers to easily complete the exam results of statistical computing work, can automatically calculate the reference number, the total score, score, the highest and lowest points, median, variance, excellence rate, good rate,, fair rate, the rate, the number of excellent, good number well number, the number of poor, skewness, kurtosis, etc. Each band toll, and can automatically, and at the same time support custom performance level and scale

【【【【【Click the run tool】】】】】
